Indiana Seal

Your Trusted Manufacturer of Flexible PVC Couplings


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High-Quality, Quick Turnaround

Our flexible pipe couplings can connect to a wide variety of pipes, such as clay, cast iron, ductile iron, concrete, and PVC. We offer sizes ranging from 1 1/4 inches to 42 inches and are fully capable of producing custom couplings of any dimension.

All our couplings are made of tough and pliable PVC, which allows them to withstand hazards like sewer gases, chemicals, fungus growth, soil conditions, roots, and other inground dangers that can lead to leaks and breakdowns in the system. We are AI-certified and maintain strict quality standards under the surveillance of our in-house Quality Control Department. Our goal is to quickly and efficiently make products that are durable, high-quality, and accurate for whatever project you have planned.

Building A Legacy

Indiana Seal is a Fargo-based company specializing in engineering and fabricating flexible PVC pipe couplings for industry professionals. Since 1981, we have built a reputation for exceptional customer service through our high-quality products. In 2007, we were purchased by GPK Products, Inc., an industry leader in PVC fittings. Together, we continue to build a legacy of excellent products and customer service.

Connections You Can Count On

With our sights set on the future, we strive to be at the cutting edge of new products while continuing to produce the highest-quality materials and offer exceptional customer service.

Empower Yourself

Become a flexible PVC coupling expert by browsing our instructional training videos.

Explore a Career With Indiana Seal and GPK Products, Inc.

At Indiana Seal, we believe in hard work because we know that makes our products the best in the business. Are you looking for a new and fun career with great benefits and opportunities for growth?